
7 | Vatican museums

The Vatican Museums are an institution of great international cultural importance, located in Vatican City, the smallest nation in the world. This place has become an obligatory destination for tourists who visit Rome and wish to admire some of the most precious and ancient works of art in the history of humanity.

Inside the Vatican Museums you can admire thousands of works of art ranging from ancient sculptures to paintings from different eras, passing through archaeological artefacts and historical finds of inestimable value. The museum also houses one of the largest collections of Christian art in the world.

Among the most famous works of the Vatican Museums are the Sistine Chapel, frescoed by the famous artist Michelangelo, which represents one of the masterpieces of Renaissance art. The visit to the Sistine Chapel is one of the highlights of the tour, as it allows you to admire Michelangelo's famous frescoes up close, including the famous "Last Judgment".

But the Vatican Museums are not limited to the Sistine Chapel alone. Visitors can also explore the Gallery of Candelabra, the Gallery of Tapestries and the Gallery of Maps, where you can admire splendid ancient tapestries and large paintings illustrating landscapes and cities of the ancient world.

Furthermore, the Pio-Clementino Museum houses a collection of ancient statues, including the famous Capitoline Venus and the statue of Apollo del Belvedere. There are also numerous modern and contemporary works of art on display in the Contemporary Art Collection.

To avoid long queues, tourists are advised to book their ticket to the Vatican Museums in advance and organize the visit with a professional guide. In this way it will be possible to fully enjoy all the wonders that this place offers, and to live a unique cultural experience.